
Research Keywords

  • Multiple Chronic Conditions
  • Dynamic Treatment Regimens
  • Longitudinal Studies with Complex Issues
  • Frailty Models for Time-to-Event
  • Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data
  • Semiparametric Methods for Longitudinal Response
  • Statistical Methods for Genomic Signatures

Selected Articles

  1. Albar, Z., and Sattar. A. (2022). “Effects of Parental Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior on Children’s Limbic Brain Structures—An MRI study.” Brain Sci. 2022, 12(10), 1319;

  3. Sattar, A. and Sinha, S.K. (2021). “Inference with joint models under mis-specified random effects distributions.” Journal of Statistical Research, 55(1):187-205. DOI: 10.47302/jsr.2021550113.

  5. Alam, K., Maity, A., Sinha, S., Rizopoulos, D., and Sattar, A. (2020). “Joint modeling of longitudinal continuous, longitudinal ordinal, and time-to-event outcomes.” Lifetime Data Analysis; 27(1):64-90. DOI: 10.1007/s10985-020-09511-3.

  7. Sattar, A. and Sinha, S.K. (2017). “Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data with a Covariate Subject to Limit of Detection.” Statistical Methods in Medical Research. DOI: 10.1177/0962280217729573.

  9. Sattar, A, Moore, S., and Josephson, R. (2017) “Impact of Multiple Chronic Conditions on Lifestyle Exercise Following a Cardiac Event.” Journal of Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1097/HCR.0000000000000211.

  11. Sattar, A., Sinha, S.K., Wang, X., and Li, Y. (2015). “Frailty models for pneumonia to death with a left-censored covariate”. Statistics in Medicine. DOI: 10.1002/sim.6466 PMID: 25728821.

  13. Sinha, S.K. and Sattar, A. (2015). “A robust method for identifying differential miRNAs in breast cancer”. International Journal of Statistics and Probability. 4(1), 155-169.

  15. Sinha, S. K. and Sattar, A. (2014). “Inference in semi-parametric spline mixed models for longitudinal data”. Metron, 2015: 1-19. DOI: 10.1007/s40300-015-0059-2.

  17. Sinha, S.K. and Sattar, A. (2014). Analysis of incomplete longitudinal data with informative drop-outs and outliers. . Canadian Journal of Statistics. 42(4), 670-695. DOI: 10.1002/cjs.11229.

  19. Sattar, A., Sinha, S. K., Argyropoulos, C., & Unruh, M. (2012). Joint modeling of all-cause mortality and longitudinally measured serum albumin. Progress in Applied Mathematics, 4(2), 1-14.

  21. Sattar, A., Sinha, S. K., Morris, N. J. (2012). A parametric survival model when a covariate is subject to left-censoring. Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics, S3:002. doi:10.4172/2155-6180.S3-002. PMCID: PMC3852406.

  23. Sattar, A., Argyropoulos, C., Weissfeld, L., Younus, N., Fried, L., Kellum, J.A., & Unruh, M. (2012). “All-cause and cause-specific mortality associated with diabetes in prevalent hemodialysis patients.” BMC Nephrology, DOI:10.1186/1471-2369-13-130. PMCID: PMC3519533.

  25. Sattar, A., Weissfeld, L., & Molenberghs, G. (2011). Analysis of non-ignorable missing and left-censored longitudinal data using a weighted random effects tobit model”. Statistics in Medicine, 30(27), 3167-3180. PMID: 21898524.


A Parametric Survival Model When a Covariate is Subject to Left-Censoring